sábado, fevereiro 10, 2007

Where are you going?

Where are you going
With the long face pulling down
Dont hide away like an ocean
But you can see, but you can smell and the sound
Of your waves coming down
I am no superman not at all
But I have no answers for you
I am no hero, and thats for sure
But I do know one thing
Where you go, is where I want to be
Where are you going?
Where do you go?
Are you looking for answers
For reasons under the stars
If along the way, you are growing weary
You can rest with me until a brighter day
I am no superman, thats for sure
And I have no answers, yeah
I am no hero, oh dont you know~
But I do know one thing,
Where you are is where I belong
Where you go, I do know, is where I belong
Where are you going, with your beautiful face looking down
Dont hide away
You are like an ocean
That I cant see, but I can smell and the sound
Of your waves coming down
I am no superman, thats for sure
I have no answers for you
I am no hero, oh not at all
I do know one thing, where you are is where I belong
Where you are is where I want to be

Dave Mattews Band "Where are you going?"


At domingo, fevereiro 11, 2007 12:53:00 da manhã, Blogger João Silva said...

curioso...tenho andado a ouvir repetidamente algumas músicas destes "meninos". Talvez por saber que eles cá vêm tocar e eu não terei a oportunidade de ir vê-los infelizmente.

esta é uma das minhas favoritas!

At segunda-feira, fevereiro 12, 2007 1:09:00 da manhã, Blogger Vicktor Reis said...

Encostei-me ao balcão carcomido do velho boteco do cais das naus na procura do apoio que minhas bambas pernas já não me garantiam...
"ó Manel dá-me um absinto!"
"Marinheiro aguenta muita dessa surrapa..."
Enquanto aquela beberagem esverdeada deslisava pela minha garganta, bebida de um só golo, a última antes da queda, ainda pensei:
"Onde tu estás é onde eu quero estar..."
E a música forte continuou a tocar na velha telefonia de plástico.

At terça-feira, fevereiro 13, 2007 1:35:00 da tarde, Blogger as velas ardem ate ao fim said...

Adoro Dave Mattews Band!



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